I’m planning on creating a blog.
Maybe I can make some money from this.
I need to make this blog to express how I feel.
I’ve been told I’m weird too many times to begin caring.
I feel like sometimes I spot a glimpse of appreciation in a person’s eyes when I tell them my perspective.
Maybe I’m being narcissistic.
Maybe this is where I should check myself.
Maybe I need to have more humility and think, maybe I’m just another brick in the wall.
But when you look at it that way, you’re reducing everyone else to “bricks in the wall” too.
But not everyone is a brick,
Some people can think.
The complexity of some people’s thinking may match the great thinkers of our predecessors,
But these great thinkers may be isolated,
Without means of sharing their perspective to a wider audience.
Maybe they’re told to stop thinking so deep,
Maybe they’re not aware of their great ability to think of such perspectives because their discouraged to.
Maybe to them, that’s just their reality.
You should.
Find pages and fill them with words and pictures.
Find pages and fill them with thoughts of love and hope.
Fill them with incredible, awe-inspiring potentials that can move a man.
Fill them because you should.
Fill them I will.